Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tag From Missy

How To Play This Game of Tag:Post these rules on you blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

3 JoYs!
1. My husband Brandon, he is the best! I couldn't have asked for a better husband. He would do anything for me, and we have so much fun together.
2. Summer Time! I love Winter, but it feels so good to have the warm weather back!
3. My best friend Lindsey getting back from her mission in two week!

3 FeArS
1. I know it's lame and everyone laughs but I have a huge fear of spiders, big or small, they make me sick literally!
2. I sometimes fear that I'm not a good wife, luckily my cute hubbie is always there telling me he Loves Me!
3. Another lame one but I have a fear of being in a car accident, I don't trust people when driving I have been in six already, none while I was driving, but it scares me to death knowing that it is one of the worst feelings.

3 GoAlS
1. Graduate from Weber with my Bachelors in Business Administration.
2. Getting into our own house!
3. Being able to play par golf!

3 CuRrEnT oBsEsSiOnS/cOlLeCtIoNs
1. Buying and putting together cute outfits, if there was really a good pathway to go in fashion design that's probably what I would do in life.
2. Taking Pictures, I'm bad at it but love to do it.
3. Trying to find the perfect place to go on our anniversary.

3 SuPrIsInG RaNdOm FaCtS aBoUt YoUrSeLf
1. I broke my arm in the first grade, I was singing in class and a kid didn't like it so after school he came and pushed me and I fell and caught myself wrong. To this day I don't like to sing.
2. The only guy I ever kissed was my husband.
3. I love to dance, don't know if I'm any good, but it's something that I love to do!

I don't know any one to really tag, the only person is Sam, so I will tag her!

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